Tests a simple inequality-constrained hypothesis (van de Schoot, Hoijtink, Hallquist, & Boelen, in press) based on draws from the posterior distribution of the model parameters, which provides information about the proportion of the distribution that is in agreement with a given hypothesis. This function is used for simple hypothesis for two parameters, whereas testBParamCompoundConstraint gives full access to multiple parameters and R's logic syntax. This function accepts a bparameters object containing iterations of the MCMC chains (rows) for each model parameter (columns) and prints out the number and proportion of draws that are consistent with the requested hypothesis test. The coef1, operator, and coef2 arguments are appended in sequence, so that the hypothesis test is constructed from left-to-right. e.g., testBParamConstraint(bparamsDF, "MGM.TRT1", ">", "MGM.EX2").

testBParamConstraint(bparams, coef1, operator, coef2)



An object containing draws from the posterior distribution (class mplus.model or mplus.bparameters). Obtained by SAVEDATA:BPARAMETERS in Mplus and getSavedata_Bparams or readModels in MplusAutomation.


The name of the first parameter to be compared. Example: "MGM.TRT1"


A logical operator to compare the two parameters. Should be one of >=, >, <, or <=. Example: ">="


The name of the first parameter to be compared. Example: "MGM.EX2"


No value is returned by this function. Instead, two summary tables are printed to the screen containing the number and proportion of draws consistent with the hypothesis.

See also


Michael Hallquist
