Adds contrast definitions to the ggbrain plot
must take the form of <name> := <value expression>
or must use a named vector.
Note that defining a contrast does not directly impact the appearance of the plot unless the
contrast is named in a geom_* layer.
Also note that contrasts can be specified in the definition of a layer. Thus, the define
has two primary virtues. First, it allows for the conceptual separation of contrast definition versus usage
inside a geom_* layer, which is particularly useful if a contrast is used across several layers. Second, it allows
downstream layers to further modify the contrast, such as when we compute a
# T1-weighted template
t1 <- system.file("extdata", "mni_template_2009c_3mm.nii.gz", package = "ggbrain")
# signed reward prediction error map
signed_pe <- system.file("extdata", "pe_ptfce_fwep_0.05.nii.gz", package = "ggbrain")
# unsigned (absolute value) prediction error map
abspe <- system.file("extdata", "abspe_ptfce_fwep_0.05.nii.gz", package = "ggbrain")
# simple example of a difference contrast, separating definition from usage in geom_brain
gg_obj <- ggbrain() +
images(c(underlay = t1, signed_pe = signed_pe, abspe = abspe)) +
slices(c("x = 25%", "x = 75%")) +
define("signed_gt_abs := signed_pe - abspe") +
#> Error in private$set_images(images, volumes): Assertion on 'images' failed: File does not exist: ''.
# you can also use a named vector in define(), which is equivalent
gg_obj <- ggbrain() +
images(c(underlay = t1, signed_pe = signed_pe, abspe = abspe)) +
slices(c("x = 25%", "x = 75%")) +
define(c(signed_gt_abs = "signed_pe - abspe")) +
#> Error in private$set_images(images, volumes): Assertion on 'images' failed: File does not exist: ''.
# contrast definitions can also occur inline, yielding equivalent plots
gg_obj <- ggbrain() +
images(c(underlay = t1, signed_pe = signed_pe, abspe = abspe)) +
slices(c("x = 25%", "x = 75%")) +
geom_brain("signed_pe - abspe")
#> Error in private$set_images(images, volumes): Assertion on 'images' failed: File does not exist: ''.
# The use of contrasts() is helpful when layers modify the contrast (e.g., subsetting)
gg_obj <- ggbrain() +
images(c(underlay = t1, signed_pe = signed_pe, abspe = abspe)) +
slices(c("x = 25%", "x = 75%")) +
define(c(signed_gt_abs = "signed_pe - abspe")) +
"signed_gt_abs[signed_gt_abs > 0]",
fill_scale=ggplot2::scale_fill_distiller("Pos diff", palette = "Reds")
#> Error in private$set_images(images, volumes): Assertion on 'images' failed: File does not exist: ''.