Function to convert ggb
object to ggplot/patchwork object
If no x
argument is passed in, this function can be used in a ggbrain addition chain to render a plot
to a ggplot-friendly object before additional ggplot or patchwork calls are added such as theme()
Or if x
is passed in as an argument, return the rendered plot as a ggbrain_patchwork
t1 <- system.file("extdata", "mni_template_2009c_2mm.nii.gz", package = "ggbrain")
# version where render is added to the object in a ggplot-style chain
gg_obj <- ggbrain() +
images(c(underlay = t1)) +
slices(c("x = 25%", "x = 75%")) +
geom_brain("underlay") +
render() + # convert to ggplot-friendly object
# version where a ggbrain object is created in one step, then rendered in another
brain_obj <- ggbrain() +
images(c(underlay = t1)) +
slices(c("x = 25%", "x = 75%")) +
gg_obj <- render(brain_obj) + patchwork::plot_annotation(title="Overall title")